Long Term Blood Storage

Author: Lady CG

I think this topic is too important to too many blood drinkers to keep it to myself while I find time to finish redoing my book, so here it is in article form! Bon Appetit!

A couple of years ago a discussion between myself and another Sang got us working on ways to extend the storage of blood for Sang consumption. Months of research and experimenting ensued. Then.. Eureka! We got it!

New cryogenic research suggested that the answer MIGHT be glucose. [1]

Research in that field indicated that glucose added to blood allowed it to freeze smoothly without ice crystals forming and bursting the cell walls, which causes oxidation of the blood, which of course spoils it very quickly.

I’ve been using the following method for nearly a year now and I can VOUCH for its effectiveness for storing blood in the freezer till needed, for up to and possibly more than 6 months (blood never lasts in my freezer longer than 6 months so I have no idea what the max storage time is with this method).

The ability to store blood in the freezer till needed changes EVERYTHING for real Sang Vampires! It means that though I doubt we’ll ever trade in donors for JUST drinking animal blood, we no longer HAVE to be sick when a donor is unavailable or we live in areas where donors are rarer than hen’s teeth.

I have been well fed for a long time now. The difference is amazing. The following is how I do it, and I offer it to you as an alternative to blood starvation and rage for those of us who NEED blood to be healthy.

I don’t have a regular enough donor and to be honest? I don’t get enough blood from donors. I need more than they are willing to part with since I consume about 4 oz every 7 to 10 days

So…why not animal blood?

I’ve used animal blood on and off for decades, when donors were not available. The issue has always been that no matter how much one is able to get during certain times of the year like hunting season, I could never store it more than a few days, even in the freezer, because it would quickly turn brown and icky and unusuable.

I buy a large cut of meat fresh from the butcher.. a case of eye or rounds or top butts or a hind quarter, even a front quarter.. (hunters and farmers are great sources of blood especially in fall when there is a lot left over from hunting and fall kills, and blood can also be purchased from many butchers and small packing houses / plants by requesting food grade blood for cooking recipes like blood pudding, blood sausage, and other traditional English and European dishes, still commonly prepared).

I cut the meat up myself, if I’m purchasing a large cut, and save EVERY BIT of blood that comes out of it when I cut it up.

Updated September 2010:

Measure out 1 cup of blood (or if using partial cup or more than a cup, do the math), and add approx 3 tablespoons of glucose syrup (available at wine and beer making supply stores) or, if you’re in a pinch, corn syrup, or in times of desperation, even sugar will work, but glucose is the best bet.
Mix WELL, dissolving glucose into the blood. Use as needed. 1 – 2 ice cubes does a good job at warding off hunger and blood rage. 4 makes a damned good feed, when fresh is not available. Just melt the cube and drink, or use your blender to turn into your own blood ice or slurpy, if you’re in a whimsical mood.
Stored this way I have found that blood does not turn brown and icky for up to 6 months, though in all honesty, few of us leave it there that long.

Taking the blood I save or buy, I mix the blood with 1 tbsp (25ml) of glucose / cup of blood (250mls) and pour in ice cube trays, and freeze it. I then i put the frozen ice cubes in plastic bags and keep them in the freezer with the cut up meat.

This equates to a metric ratio of 1:10 of glucose:blood.

In imperial measurements (tablespoons/cups/etc), this is theoretically 1:16 of glucose:blood according to my food chart of liquid measure conversion, however when I sat down at the sink with a tablespoon and a cup measure and counted tablespoons of water out, it was more like 1:14 (14 tablespoons to fill the 1 cup measure.) Your mileage may vary, I’m starting to think that not all cup measures are made the same – you may find getting a metric measure to be less hassle.

Also note this is strictly GLUCOSE, not table sugar! Table sugar is sucrose, which is roughly a 50/50 composition of glucose and fructose; the fructose is not suitable for this purpose at all.

Glucose is known in the food service industry as Dextrose. You can get Dextrose on Amazon.com easily enough, if not through local food service wholesalers.

*** Also… Note for diabetics: ***
this will likely impact your blood sugar levels due to the glucose use. Plan accordingly, and test with your glucose meter so that you have an idea how it affects your glucose levels.


Now, every time I sort of cook a steak, (I eat my steaks VERY blue rare and just warmed in the centre) I thaw an icecube or two on my plate while the steak is cooking. I put the steak on top of the thawed blood, when I take it off the heat source and use the warmth of the steak to warm the blood to body temp *and add spice from the steak*.

I cut the steak up in tiny pieces so I get the most blood out of THAT too! Then I drink the blood off the plate and if I’m still hungry I eat some of the meat. The rest of the steak, I either freeze for soup which I’m fond of making or I give to our husky. And.. THAT Ladies and Gentlemen, is how I get enough blood. While it’s not as warm and fuzzy as a donor, its way better than starvation! lol

The majority of Sangs I know CAN and do survive just fine on animal blood in a pinch and ANYTHING is better than blood rage and apathy. It’s well worth the effort to try it.

I hope this helps anyone, who like myself, is often donorless and in need of an alternative that keeps them healthy.

Stay well
Stay fed
Stay together!

Lady CG.

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