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Alexia approaches their condition from a scientific, skeptical frame of reference. Passionate about advocating for sanguivores. Enjoys reading, rumination and assimilation of knowledge. Desires to travel, to explore new cultures in the endless pursuit of wisdom. “The first half of life is devoted to forming a healthy ego, the second half is going inward and letting go of it.” – Carl Jung, the Duality of Man

CJ! loves to travel and eat and is always on the hunt for delicious doughnuts and clean donors. She always finds what food a place is known for and the best place to eat it. Similarly, she is proud that her donors have come from all different ethnicities. Building goodwill through baked goods and bad puns she has made lots of friends through meatspace and cyberspace. Her name strikes fear in the heart of those who have strong aversions to logic. Despite the attempts to hide, she will always know of and strike at any misinformation campaign. PULL THE STRING!


Ossivorous Oose
Cheeky, dissenting, wayward bastard.


I have spent over 15 years researching into many nutritional and medical aspects in relation to the vampiric experience, and have worked with many other people in the community over the years to get reliable and useful information out to, well, pretty much anyone – new and experienced alike – without regard to group affiliation or politics.

I have always believed that the only individual best able to maintain your own health on a day-to-day basis is yourself, however this is best achieved by reading and understanding as much conventional medical information as is necessary for your specific health situation(s). (This is especially true if you live in the United States, where most HMO health plans limit how long a doctor can spend with a patient, if the doctor wants to continue to pay THEIR bills!) The internet now has many, many mainstream medical resources available, and it would be a absolute disservice to everyone to ignore their presence or the quality of information that is now available.

Syrf Chase (In Loving Memory)
I have been engaged with the blood drinking community since 2010 and look forward to supporting the movement to seek a medical cause for the condition we find ourselves in. I butcher my own food whenever possible, contact juggle and am fascinated by objects that glow. I try to practice the three ancient arts of discourse yet have a deep appreciation for a well placed touch of whimsy. I tend to board trains of thought like a Keroacian hobo and I’m not good with deadlines.



Your local snail-slurping, frog-munching Frenchman.